Cross-stitch FLOSS Mascots

Many years ago I embroidered a Tux for a friend and published the pattern on my old website.


I planned to add cross-stitch patterns for other free software mascots, but then nothing happened for years, and I also stopped doing embroidery. Now it seems that I've resumed doing cross-stitch and I'm celebrating the return into Debian of kxstitch, so I've converted the old pattern into kxstitch format and published it on this website.

I'm keeping the old title which allows for multiple patterns: I strongly suspect that this page will end up with just Tux for a long while, but I'd like to think that it may be expanded some time in the future.



The back of the original penguin from 2004

Back in 2004 when I started doing cross-stitch I decided to embroidery a Tux, based on the famous one drawn with the GIMP by Larry Ewing.

Back in those remote times, I used the Ancient Method: I printed the original image on graph paper and converted it by hand into a pattern, drawing stitches and backstitches as needed.

To get a printable version, I wrote a bit of postscript (which could have been commented a bit more) to generate a nicely looking pattern on an A4 page. It is downloadable from this page both as the source and a generated printer-ready PDF, which nowadays could also be — wonders of technology! — shown on a tablet or something.

I've also redrawn the pattern as a kxstich project, so that it can be used to estimate floss amount etc., and you can download it and two generated A5 patterns, in color o black and white.

The orange used in the picture doesn't correspond exactly to the one listed on the pattern: I had used some DMC floss from the stash of an older relative, but that number no longer exists.


All patterns on this page © 2004, 2016 Elena Grandi, derived from original graphics as indicated in each section.

Unless specified otherwise, these patterns are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License version 4 or later.

Please note that some of these logos are also covered by some kind of trademark and you are responsable to follow the relevant trademark policies.

Send a comment: unless requested otherwise I may add it, or some extract, to this page.

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