Dark Chocolate Buns

This is an attempt to recreate a kind of bums I used to buy as a dessert when having lunch between lessons. They don't taste very sweet, but they seem to fulfill the craving for a sweet snack quite well.


  • 500 g flour
  • 250 g water
  • 25 g yeast
  • 50 g lard
  • 12 g salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 128 g dark chocolate chips

Mix the ingredients except the chocolate as usual for bread and knead until you have a smooth dough; cover it and let rise for about 1 hour in a warm place.

Divide the dough and chocolate in 4 parts, flatten the dough and alternate one layer of dough and one of chocolate; knead quickly to mix the chocolate. Cut in 16 parts and form small balls, place them on a baking sheet, cover with a moist cloth and let rise for another hour.

Preheat the oven to 220°C and bake for about 15 minutes; after they have cooled a bit you can sprinke them with icing sugar.


Instead of adding chocolate chips, you can divide the dough in 16 parts and place half a teaspoon of jam, nutella or some cream in each bun.

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